Script Consultant Services
NOTE: Bella does all the work on the script. When you hire Bella, you get Bella.
(see below for how to submit your script)
Extra Pages: For scripts over 125 pages, add £5 a page.
Rush Jobs: Add £100 extra to all fees to do a rush for – one week. Contact Bella for availability.
Otherwise usual turnaround is 2-3 weeks.
Hourly rate: £300 for phone calls with Bella
Script Evaluation: £300
Occasionally writers, producers, directors and executives want a reading of a script to determine whether it’s worth pursuing for consultation. This service includes a reading of the script and a one-page report on commerciality, general strengths and weaknesses and a recommendation about whether to proceed to a consultation.
Story Idea Consultation: £400
Bella will analyse story, characters, and theme on 4-6 story ideas of 1-3 paragraphs each. She’ll provide possible marketability for each idea, guiding the writer to pursue the idea with the most potential.
Recession Special: £500
Due to its popularity, the Recession Special has become permanent even when the recession ends. The client has a choice between a 5-6-page written report with suggestions for some additions, subtractions, and changes for the rewrite — OR a one-hour phone call with Bella. This does not have the detailed analysis of the more expensive services, yet it gives a good guide to the rewrite, with specific suggestions for solving problems, as well as an analysis of the talent of the writer and next steps.
Script Overview Plus Script Notes: £1200
Includes a 12-15 page report plus written notations directly on the script which reinforce the report and add additional details. The Script Notes that Bella writes include suggestions for scenes that could be cut or condensed, improving script transitions, dialogue that could be clearer, possible character changes, scene transitions and where to insert story changes.
Re-Read Script After Rewrite: £500
Bella will re-read the rewrite and provide polish notes after rewrite.
Script Integration: £2000
Sometimes producers or writers need to integrate two different drafts, choosing the best of both, but it’s difficult to see the forest for the trees when integrating scripts. This service includes cutting and pasting and, if necessary, re-structuring the script to use the best of two different scripts.
The Annotated Script: £2000
This service includes a 12-15-page conceptual report (the same as The Overview) and then Notes are added on the Screenplay Document (in FinalDraft or Word) which show how to apply the Report to the Rewrite. Bella gives more detail and explanation in this report than in the margin notes and actually makes cuts on the script, suggests some dialogue changes, plus gives concepts to think about as the Writer is doing the rewrite.
Script Breakdown: £3000
Includes 20-30 pages of notes, including conceptual notes, a graphic analysis of the script, a page-by-page analysis.
Script Treatments: 1.5 Line Spacing with 14-point FontTreatments up to 6 pages: £40/page
- Treatments 7- 11 pages: £35/page
- Treatments 11 pages or more: £30/page
For Short Films:
- 1-5 pages: £30/page
- 5-15 pages: £25/page
- 15-30 pages: £20/page
Script Consultation from Early Draft into Production: £5000
This includes consultation from Bella on treatment and outlines, complete Script Breakdown service, plus top priority status and availability through first week of production. Includes up to four additional reads with polish notes at no extra charge.
Production Consulting: £7500
For consulting on script up to four drafts, then to rough cut of the film and availability in pre-production, production and post-production. Includes Bella doing up to four additional reads with polish notes at no extra charge.
- Reading Source Material: £2/page
- Breakdown of Source Material: £2000 plus per page charge.
- Series Bible £200
- Sit-com Scripts £650 – includes a series bible of up to 10 pages
- Dramatic Series Scripts £1000 – includes a series bible of up to 10 pages
Production: £400
Attending staged reading, taking notes, one meeting.
Post-Production: £2000
Editing notes for rough cut
For U.S. Clients: To submit a script, send a hard copy of script (without brads) any information you want Bella to have, with your cheque and return stamped envelope. Please let Bella know when to expect it. Make the cheque out to “Bella Enahoro” and mail to: Bella Enahoro, 41 Whittingstall Road, London, SW6 4EQ, U.K. Clients may also pay by wire transfer (Add a £35 bank fee for wire transfers) or PayPal (Add 4% of total fee to cover Paypal fees.
Please add £20.00 for printing fees if you want Bella to print out the script.
For International Clients: Same as above, however, when sending a script through email, send in FinalDraft, as a PDF file, or as a Word attachment. For payment via wire transfer, contact Bella for bank information.
Make sure all your contact information is on the title page of the script.
Script Meetings: For writers, directors, producers, individually or with the team, come to London to work on your script for half a day or from 1-6 days of meetings one-on-one. We’ll tighten and strengthen the structure and story, create stronger character arcs and character details, further explore the theme and images.
- £1000 for a full day (5 hours) and £500 for a half day (2 1/2 hours)
CONTACT Bella Enahoro
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 778 861 1801
Mail: 41 Whittingstall Road, London, SW6 4EA, UK